ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker Review

ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker Reviews

Review score: 8.6 / 10 – Updated June, 2024

Latest Price: £199

Looking for Cookers and want to get the best deal for your money? check out our review now.

ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker Review

Overall Customer Rating

Overall rating

8.6 average based on 197 reviews.

How customers rate ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker

Ease of use
Features and programmes
Value for money

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ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker features

ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker specs

ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker

Freestanding electric cooker





Hob type

Electric solid plate

Number of zones


Oven type


Number of ovens


Number of grills


Display type


Control type



Solid plate

Oven type





55 litres

Main oven heat-up time

– 170 degrees in 6 minutes

Main oven shelves

– 2 shelves

Energy rating


Energy consumption

0.81 kWh

Interior light


Viewing window

Double glazed

Door opening style


Oven cleaning

Enamel coating

Grill type

Separate variable electric grill

Grill capacity

31 litres

Grill features

Small tray set with handle

Grill pan handle included


Minimum distance required

– 750 mm above hob

Electrical installation

This product requires hardwiring, and should be installed by a qualified engineer, such as one of our Knowhow experts.

Box contents

Essentials CFTE50W17 64 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker


900 x 495 x 600 mm (H x W x D)

Recess dimensions

1550 (with extractor hood) – 1650 x 535 x 609 mm (H x W x D)

Boxed dimensions

974 x 645 x 684 mm (H x W x D)


40.65 kg

Boxed weight

42.96 kg

Manufacturer’s guarantee

12 months



Number of Reviews


Review Score

8.6 / 10

Average score in category: 8.5 / 10



As with any electrical items, it’s particularly important to study the quality of a product before you buy it. This is especially important for Cookers. But when we’re buying online, what can be done to get an idea of a product’s quality?

Our first area to study is normally the features. We’ve given a full list of features for ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker above. This should give you a good idea of how good the product is in terms of features and functionality.

You’re also going to want to know how durable the product is, so here we’d advise taking a look at the materials that the Cookers are made from.

There is also a lot of benefit in checking out the brand of the Cookers. Some brands are known for manufacturing much better quality products. As I’m sure you’re aware, brands like Essentials are really well respected for making great Cookers.

It’s also important to have a good idea of your expectations in terms of quality too. You may not actually be looking for the best quality product if your main goal is to get cheap Cookers. So spend some time considering what’s important to you and think about the areas that you’d be happy to compromise or not.

Comparing Prices

That leads us nicely into price, where we’re going to spend some time looking at the price of ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker and seeing how that compares to other Cookers and also looking at the sort of price you can expect to pay for products from Essentials.

It’s really good at this stage to spend some time just getting an idea of the sort of price you can expect to pay for your Cookers. When you’re spent a bit of time looking at the prices, consider setting yourself a budget.

Setting yourself a budget will really help you to narrow down your search. It can also help you to avoid the slippery slope of buying a really expensive product that perhaps had advanced specifications that you didn’t need or couldn’t actually afford.

The price that we found ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker cheapest in our most recent search was at Currys and cost just £199.

Customers are obviously impressed with the value of ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker as they’ve rated it in terms of value for money at: 9 out of 10.

How much do Cookers cost on average?

We searched for all of the Cookers that we could find at Currys. In total we found 199 different products available.

The average price of Cookers was £1384.13, which makes ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker below average in terms of price.

We also thought it would be useful for you to know how much the price of Cookers can vary. Of the 199 products we found, the lowest cost that we found was £159.00 and the highest price we saw was £3999.00.

In the Cookers category, 191 products cost more than ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker and 4 cost less.

How much are Essentials Cookers?

Next up we thought it would be useful to narrow down our search a bit more and only look at Cookers made by Essentials. We managed to find 7 options at Currys.

The average price of these 7 products was £187.71. With the cheapest coming in at £159.00 and most expensive currently showing as £219.00. Based on this price analysis it shows that ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker is above average against other Essentials Cookers.

ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker Reviews

Reviews are without question your best piece of information when researching a product to buy online. We love customer reviews especially, as they’re not incentivised and just written by genuine customers.

We also love customer reviews because many of them will be from customers who have been using the product for some time. We found 197 reviews for . So we’d strongly recommend you head over there and take the time to read plenty of the reviews to get a real feel for whether ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker is just what you’re after.

ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker has a customer review score of 8.9 and our review score is 8.9 out of 10. The average review score in the Cookers category is 8.5 with an average of 164 reviews for each product. The average customer review score for products from Essentials is 8.2 based on an average of 303 reviews per product. So you’re definitely going to be in safe hands if you do choose to buy ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker

The other useful source of reviews is expert reviews. Whilst these won’t give you as much user feedback as the customer reviews, it does mean that you’re getting some expert opinions on the Cookers. Companies like TechRadar are really well known for providing great reviews.

It’s also worth exploring other product options and reading their reviews. Just some of the products that we liked are ESSENTIALS CFSGSV18 50 cm Gas Cooker reviews, ESSENTIALS CFSGWH18 50 cm Gas Cooker reviews or ESSENTIALS CFSESV18 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker reviews. Or something a little different could be a product like ESSENTIALS CFSEWH18 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker reviews or even FLAVEL MLN10CRS Electric Ceramic Range Cooker reviews.

Buying Essentials branded products

Brand, as mentioned earlier, is another really important factor to consider for buying Cookers.

It looks like you’ve already got some idea of the sort of product you’re inserted in, as you’ve landed on this ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker review. However, if you do want to consider other brands just make sure you spend some time reading lots of reviews. If you decide to stick to Essentials then you’ll not be disappointed, judging by the customer reviews.

YouTube Video of ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker

Another fantastic source of information and great for reviews is video content. Below we’ve run a search for ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker on YouTube if you wanted to check out some of the video reviews that may have been created by customers or expert reviewers.


Based on the amazing reviews shown at the top of this review, we’re really impressed with ESSENTIALS CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it as one of the top options if you’re looking to buy Cookers. This is only highlighted by the great customer reviews and our review score of 8.9/10 overall.

All that’s left now is for you to head over to Currys to check out the 197 customer reviews. Simply hit the green button at the bottom of your screen to start.

Further product details

    • Product ID 1: 14502415169
    • Product ID 2: 10162614
    • Brand: Essentials
    • Model number: CFTE50W17
    • EAN: 5017416768221
    • Description: Top features:- Cook with efficiency on an A-rated electric cooker – Four cooking zones for culinary multitasking – Separate grill offers more cooking space – Oven light and shelves to easily check on your cooking Cook with efficiencyThe Essentials CFTE50W17 50 cm Electric Solid Plate Cooker is perfect for everyday cooking. It offers good value for money for the family. Its oven is rated A for energy efficiency. This means it has less impact on the environment, and reduces running cost to save you money on your energy bills.Four cooking zonesThe hob features four cooking zones, giving you space to prepare multiple dishes at the same time. Prepare a stir fry on one zone, and boil pasta on another with room to spare.Separate grillA separate grill offers you even more cooking space that’s great for grilling burgers and small food portions.Oven light and shelvesA light in the oven makes it easy to see how your lasagne or souffl√© is coming along.____________________________________ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION: This product requires hardwiring to a 40 Amp fuse and should be installed by a qualified engineer, such as one of our Knowhow experts.

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